After School Clubs and Wrap Around Care
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Willen staff offer a variety of 'after school' activities for children at no or minimal costs. A half termly 'menu' of activities is sent to families at the start of each new term.
Please email for the most up-to-date menu.
Wrap Around Care
Premier Education are proud to offer before and after school care for all WPS pupils right here on our site, every day (term time only). Full details, policies and booking forms can be found on their website
Premier Education Wrap Around Info and Booking
Premier Education Information Booklet
Holiday Clubs:
Care during school closure periods (Some INSET days, October, February, Easter, May and Summer holidays) is also available for WPS pupils. This is via 'Sporty Scholars' Holiday club providers. Check out their website for the latest offers and to book your place!