

Curriculum Intent- History

At Willen Primary School we believe that History lessons will spark children’s curiosity about the past. We aim to inspire them to develop an interest in and appreciation of human action, achievement and aspirations. Children will come to know that history is about real people who lived, and real events that happened in the past. They will learn about significant events in history of our own country and the world, and how these events have influenced our lives today. Children will develop an awareness of people of other countries and cultures, allowing them to demonstrate an understanding, tolerance and respect for their traditions and experiences. 

At Willen, History is taught through an enquiry approach in which questions frame the children’s learning. This is not only designed to mimic the process of professional historians, but prioritises an opportunity for children to develop and express their own voices in relation to creating and answering historically valid questions. Children will explore methods of historical enquiry, including how evidence and artefacts are used to make historical claims. Furthermore, they will engage in debates to critically analyse and weigh evidence and different interpretations of historians. History teaching is underpinned by the need to guide the children’s understanding of chronology within which they can organise their understanding of the past. Children will be taught that events did not happen in isolation and often impacted one another, allowing them to draw comparisons between ancient civilisations and time periods. 

During the children’s time at Willen they will gain depth and progression within their learning; our curriculum covers a wide range of singular events, studies of ancient civilisations and thematic comparisons. There are also opportunities for children to study the local area, helping them to develop an understanding of ‘self’ and where they come from. For each unit, key knowledge and skills have been identified to ensure progression within each year group within our school. Additionally, cross curricular outcomes in History are specifically planned for, with strong links between History and English lessons and texts so that a wide range of skills can be reinforced and learning enhanced. Ultimately, History at Willen aims to inspire children to appreciate that History is not a fixed construct and that each day not only contributes to History, but presents opportunities for new interpretations and views.