
Curriculum Intent- Phonics

At Willen Primary schools we aim for all children to learn to read quickly and accurately by the end of Key Stage One. We do this through teaching phonics using the Read, Write, Inc (RWI) program. This program allows children to learn all 44+ sounds of the English language and then apply those sounds to words. We teach children the skill of decoding words as this ensures that they are able to read almost any word they come across. Within the daily RWI sessions children will be encouraged and supported to not only practice and develop their decoding skills but also their comprehension and fluency skills.

In order for learning to be personalised, we assess all children at the end of each half term; we then place them in a group that is matched to their ability allowing them to flourish and become more confident readers. If required children will receive additional support to help them on their journey to becoming a confident reader.

How can I help my child?

Children find it easier to learn to read and spell if they are taught pure sounds. You might like to watch this YouTube video to make sure you are using the correct pure sounds with your child at home:

Would you you like to learn more about phonics and how we teach? Our wonderful teachers have created a workshop just for you!

CLICK HERE to be taken to our YouTube Channel

At Willen Primary School our teachers and LSAs carry out the programme effectively with small groups of children. These groups are organised according to their specific needs, and the specific sounds and letters are taught in fun and engaging ways.

Each session lasts 30 minutes and includes a variety of activities delivered with pace and rigour. Children have the opportunity to learn sounds which are reinforced during the session with reading and writing activities – learning is put into practise.

As children progress through the levels, they are regularly assessed to ensure they are placed in groups most appropriate for them. If a child is found to be struggling, 1 to 1 sessions are arranged for him/her to catch up with the group. Children may also be ‘fast-tracked’ to a more able group when their progress warrants this.

What is Read Write Inc Phonics?

Five key principles underpin the teaching in all Read Write Inc. sessions:

1) Participation – As they are in small groups, children participate fully in every session. They are able to maintain high levels of concentration and they do not miss key elements of the teaching.

2) Praise – Children work together as partners. They take turns to teach and praise each other. They are motivated by praise from their teachers.

3) Pace – Sessions never drag. The lively pace keeps every child fully engaged and on task.

4) Purpose – Every teacher uses Read Write Inc. methods. They know the purpose of each activity, and how it leads into the next.

5) Passion – Instructors, too, become passionate about their teaching as they see the children enjoying the progress they are making.

Read Write Inc. is a whole-school literacy programme designed and developed by Ruth Miskin, one of the country’s leading authorities on teaching children to read. The programme aims to create fluent readers, willing writers and confident speakers.

Phonics Screening Check

The Year 1 phonics screening check is a way for schools to ensure that children are making sufficient progress with their phonics skills to read words and that they are on track to become fluent readers who can enjoy reading for pleasure and for learning.