Modern Foreign Languages
Curriculum Intent- MFL
At Willen Primary we believe that:
- The effective teaching and learning of languages is an essential life skill. We need to equip our children with the communication tools necessary in our muti-cultural society as it fosters pupils’ cultural awareness and deepens their understanding of the world.
- When learning a language children develop wider skills which apply to all areas of their lives. We see an interest in the study of languages as key to providing pupils with insights into their own language and an understanding in communication.
- Every child has the right to achieve their maximum potential without a preconceived limit being put on their ability and attainment. All children have the capacity to be good communicators regardless of barriers they may have in terms of their physical ability or level of literacy or numeracy.
Implementation of MFL
Regular MFL lessons are provided in all KS2 year groups through engaging, relevant topics and famous French people. Vocabulary and language skills are developed every lesson through a logical sequence building on previous knowledge.
The curriculum, focusing mainly on French to enable pupils to make substantial progress in one language, gives pupils the ability and confidence to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. The same teacher teaches French across KS2 (PPA cover).
As the class teacher does not teach MFL, Twinkl planning is used in all year groups to provide consistency, structure and build on previous skills.
Differentiation is provided by different levels of activity and adult support in the classroom.
The French teacher records attainment with ‘Target Tracker’ in line with the whole school assessment policy.