Welcome to Early Years Sun Class
Teachers: Miss Turvey and Mrs Brushett
New Starters 2024-2025
Here are some handy links to information previously emailed to our new families! Remember to drop us an email if you need help.
Am I ready for EY? Advice for Parents/Carers
Google Form- Registration Details
Google Form- Free School Meals Eligibility Check
Premier Education Wrap Around Care Services
Enrichment and Cultural Capital 2024/25
At Willen Primary School, we believe that education is not all about the 3 R’s. Alongside the wonderful experiences that the children’s families plan for them, we have developed 'Enrichment Planners' for each year group across the school. The planners are our commitment to enriching the life experiences of the children and building their cultural capital whilst they are in our care. During the year, we will ensure that the children experience each activity across the different groups including; diversity. culture,STEM and FUN!
In addition to this the children have assemblies which include Musician of the Month, Jigsaw community building , as well as themes which develop their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. We also celebrate the work of significant people.
Enrichment Planner 2024
Sprituality in EYFS
Knowledge and Skills Progression
These documents show what your child should achieve in Writing and Maths by the end of the year.
Homework can be accessed via Class Dojo. It is set on a Wednesday and due by the following Wednesday
Reading: We ask that all children and their families aspire to reading their school book OR any other appropriate texts a MINIMUM of three times a week. Please log all reading experiences in the Reading Records. Reading Records are checked throughout the week and children are rewarded accordingly. Thank you.
Our PE lesson is on THURSDAY. Please come to school in your kit.
Curriculum Information 2024-2025
Please click on the link below to view an overview of your child's learning journey this term.
Term 1 Knowledge Organisers
Term 2 Knowledge Organisers
Term 3 Knowledge Organisers
Term 4 Knowledge Organisers